
Food Culture Quiz


I took Food Culture Quiz from The Christian Science Monitor.
So today, I will report my score, and tell you what additional knowledge I gained about food through doing the quiz.

My score is  56%.
( 14 corrects, 11 wrongs )

This quiz is difficult for me, so I couldn't do well.
But I can get a lot of new knowledge about food.

Prix fixe menu is a collection of predetermined dishes, usually three courses, at a set price.
Allspice is a special spice, usually found in South America or the Caribbean, which tastes like a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.
Grits is a breakfast corn-based porridge.

I noticed that there are a lot of word related to French such as pâté de foie gras, au gratin and so on.
I think this is because French cuisine is regarded as important.
As far as I searched, French cuisine was chosen as Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in 2010.

Through this quiz, I could know new things about food!



Today, I want to introduce Youtube video which is related to the book I chose.
This video is about the present condition of organic farming in India.

I will explan the content of this video.
Chemical fertilisers and pesticides have been widely used across India since 1950's.
Its purpose is to improve crop yields and grow more fruits and vegetables.
It is not good for environment and their health, and it caused many problems.

Then more farmers started organic farming.
This trend leads up to grow population and reduce food imports.
This transition is slow, but today most farming still uses these methods.
As a result of it, it is good for India.

I was glad to hear this news.
I hope that more and more countries start to adopt organic farming.

Book review -2

I'm going to talk about what I read my book.

Overall, this book has four goals.
① to convince readers that a large-scale shift to organic farming would solve a lot of problems that exist in the U.S. agriculture
② to offer exceptional examples of innovative organic farmers who succeed in this transition
③ to describe potential problems within organic agriculture
④ to mention clear actions that we must take to protect organic farmers

The multiple echological and social issues infuluence organic farming.

Organic farming means crop rotation.
Crop rotation is one of the ways of farming which change the crops grown in a field each season.
This is because it leads up to build healthy fertile soil that has few pest problems.

Orgamic faming also means using "beneficials".
It means organic faming make use of beneficial insects effectively to keep pest away from crops.
For example, beneficial insects are ladybugs. On the contrary, bad bugs are aphids.

I don't think ladybug is good insect, so I was so surprised!
This time I could understand deeply that one of the purposes of organic farming is to solve pest problem.