
Final book review

Partner 1: Mikoto Ishida
Book's title: The sociology of Food
Summary of its content:
The culture of food is written with various country's history. The differences of gender and social class are also written.
What she liked best about the book:
She was surprised at the difference of gender about eating, so the chapter is the best.
Some of the book's flaws: It is difficult for her to understand.
Partner 2: Risa Arita
Book's title: Rice as self
Summary of its book:
Japanese eating habits depend on rice in the old days and Japanese rice have huge impacts with various things historically. The power of rice have been clearly existed and affect contemporary Japanese people.
What she liked best about the book:
The feature of Japanese rice is details like the roots and the processof it.
Some of the book's flaws:
The only flaw is that the author have quite positivepositive opinion about Japanese rice. She should remain indifferent in her description.
How your classmate's opinions or impressions changed as a result of reading the book:
Today's youthincluding us tend to eat more bread than rice, but we should know the power of rice and consider that which more useful for us we eat rice or bread.
Partner 3: Minori Ebie
Book's title: Coffee Culture-Local Experiences, Global Connections
Summary: of its book:
The author tell us the history, and a lot of  knowledges such as the birthplace of coffee beans, starbucks coffee and so on.
What she liked best about the book:
She could know lots of imformation about coffee, and most of the information is detailed.
Some of the book's flaws:
Some of the words are different. The cover is hard and the size of book is a little bit big, so it's troblesome to carry.


I found some connections between some of the articles of this news paper and food. So this time, I wanna write about the connections which I found.

For Pets, It's Fat Thursday With Pies, Dressing Under the Table

Summary: The season from Thanksgiving holiday to New Year's Day, a dog eat too much not only dog food but also food for human such as turkey and dressing, collard greens and sweet pie. So the dog became fat. This problem was caused by owner's indulging. This tendency ir not good for animals. And actually animal hospitals spike zround this time of year.

I surched why animals should not eat human's food.
At first dog need 14 times calcium as muh as humanity. So dog can take these nutrition effectively when they eat dog food than human's food. If dog eat human's food even some time, they are addicted to human's food, and thay can't stop eating human's food. It leads up to bad effect for their health.

Four reasons why you must not give human's food to dog|Tsunayoshi. (2015, July 17). Retrieved January 17, 2016, from


U.N. Says 2015 Likely to Be Warmest Year on Record

Summary: U.N. agency said that the year 2015 is on course to be the warmest on record. It would be the result of the effects of the ElNino weather. The global average surface temperature rose to 14.73 dgrees Celsius.

I think the summer of 2015 is cold compared with recent years. So I don't thin 2015 was not warmest year in Japan. And cold summer affect agriculture on a large scale. Many crops cannot grow up to ship over the country, so the price increase suddenly. And cold summer result in huge damage economucally.

Precaution for ElNino, Many rains & poor sunshine, Sure measure|Japn Agricultural Newspaper. (2015, June 25). Retrieved January 17, 2016, from http://www.agrinews.co.jp/modules/pico/index.php?content_id=33734


Slow Consumer Spending In U.S. Signals Caution

Summary: U.S. consumer spending grew slowly in October. However they earned much more money compared with other months. Though, rather than spend, Americans socked away more money in October for the year-end. The personal saving rate was 5.6% in October, the highest level since December 2012.

This is my expectation, so there is no reliable imformation. But I think if they spend much less money in life, inevitably, they result in spending less money on food. So I suspect that their dish might less luxurious than usual.

Book review -5

Today I want to explain what I learn from this book.

IFOAM is the organization which carry out activity of promoting organic farming internationally. This organization establish four principles for organic.
1. Ecosystem
2. Health
3. Fairness
4. Consideration

Effort to organic have various goals. For instance, these goals aim at protection of environment, healthy life, symbiosis with nature, wholesome society and so on.

Organic farming have various strict rules. First of all, the definition of organic farming is that farmers have to grow crops in certain field which is non-agrochemicals and non-chemical fertilizer. And they have to submit applicationform. This peocess is very complicated, but it is required them as obligation. Moreover, every year farmers have to take examination. If they violate to these rules, they are imposed severe penalty.

I could learn many things about organic farming from this book. Firstly, I learn organic food have a lot of advantage for our health and body. I also learn the present circumstance of organic farming. To invest in our healthy and happy future, I want to try to choose organic products as possible as I can.

My Eating Report

The other day, I went to a restaurant with my friend.
The restaurant's name is "Gyuukatsu Motomura". This restaurant is famous for beef cutlet.

This is restaurant information☟
3-8-10 Shibuya Shibuya-ku Tokyo-to
Tel 03-3797-3735
11:00~23:00 (LO 22:30)
Only Sunday 11:00~21:00

The price is very reasonable around 1000 yen. We -might have to line up to enter this restautrant because this restaurant is very popular.
This restaurant's beef cutlet is deep fried rare beef. We can enjoy various ways of eating. For example, eating with nothing, salt, diverse sauces and so on.

This is very delicious! Moreover this restaurat is very close to our university Aoyama Gakuin, so if you have opprtunity, you should go there!!

Book review -4

Organic food is often said to be healthy, then this time I want to share the information abour these organic food is how healthy for our body!

There is some evidence that organic foods have nutritional superiority.
There are higher nutrient levels in orhanically grown crops compared with conventionally produced crops. Specifically, organic crops contain significantly more
vitamin C, iron , magnesium, phosphorus, and useable protein. At the same time, organic crops had lower levels of nitrates and heavy metals than conventional crops.Moreover, people who have eaten an organic diet seem to have  more antioxidants in their body system.
Most Americans eat conventionally produced food, the diminished vitamin and mineral content of this food lead to long term nutrition inferiority and adverse health effect.

I also had image that organic food is good for our health and would contains a lot of nutrition. However I was surprised very much at this fact that conventionally produced crops might have not good effect on our body.

Book review -3

Now organic food become popular in the world.

At first, organic production and consumption is booming in the US.
But this boom is not only in the US but in many other countries as well.
In Switzerland 11%
In Australia 9%                        of farmers are organic.
In Denmark 6%
And, organic food makes up 4%of food sales in Denmark & Australia, 2% in Germany & Switzerland, and 1.5% in the US.


Organic production is pushed by positive government regulation in many places.
For example, several EU countries assist in building organic marketing channnels, and provide technical assistance and information specifically for organic farmes.

Consumer demand is huge and increasing. Estimates place the growth of US organic marlets at 20% annually since 1990. Surprisingly 72% of conventional grocery stores now carry some organic food!

I don't expect organic food is such popular in the US. And, organic food spread in the world now, but I thin this influence is still poor. So I wish organic food became more familiar in the world and also Japan!!


Restaurant Evaluation

☆Greet you in a pleasing manner? 5/10
The staff was unfriendly to us.

☆Convey the feeling you were a valued customer? 4/10
They are in a cold manner, and give us blunt answer.

☆Were they neat and professional in their appearance? 7/10
The staff wear uniform.

☆Send you and deliver menus in a courteous manner? 8/10
First we sat in the table in terrace. When the dishes were delivered, they let us move into inside the restaurant.

☆Arrive within one to two minutes to take your order? 7/10
The dishes are not so late.

☆Did the bathroom appear to interact well with the guests? 5/10
The toilet is too small. And inside of the restaurant is small, so it's a little bit difficult for guests to go to bathroom. It is clean.

☆Did the server remain attentive throughout the dining experi? 6/10
They took care of table well, but they left the dishes without saying nothing.

☆Were there enough emplyees to take care of the guests? 5/10
There are only 2 waiters, nevertheless the resrtaurant was full of customers.

☆Deliver the check along with cashing out instructions? 7/10

☆Thank you and invite you back again?6/10

Total : 60