
Book review -5

Today I want to explain what I learn from this book.

IFOAM is the organization which carry out activity of promoting organic farming internationally. This organization establish four principles for organic.
1. Ecosystem
2. Health
3. Fairness
4. Consideration

Effort to organic have various goals. For instance, these goals aim at protection of environment, healthy life, symbiosis with nature, wholesome society and so on.

Organic farming have various strict rules. First of all, the definition of organic farming is that farmers have to grow crops in certain field which is non-agrochemicals and non-chemical fertilizer. And they have to submit applicationform. This peocess is very complicated, but it is required them as obligation. Moreover, every year farmers have to take examination. If they violate to these rules, they are imposed severe penalty.

I could learn many things about organic farming from this book. Firstly, I learn organic food have a lot of advantage for our health and body. I also learn the present circumstance of organic farming. To invest in our healthy and happy future, I want to try to choose organic products as possible as I can.

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